
Setting of programs during the tournament " The Unofficial World Championship Of Russian Computer Programs In Flying Draughts 2023 ".

Russia Aurora Borealis Professional - Alexander Svirin - Russia
Tournament Mode - On
Use book moves - Off
Hash - 512
ED - 10000
Engine threads count - 1
Learn - 512 69%
Self-learning - On
Use learning base - On
The program uses from not full 10 figure base of endings
BelarusUkraine Damira - Alexander Osipov, Alexey Morozov - Belarus and Ukraine
Threads - 1
Use debut base - On
Use moves from debiut - 10
Hash table - 256 MB
The program uses from not full 8 figure base of endings
Belarus Edeon Sport - Alexey Odnoklubov, Vasily Naumik, Victor Naumik - Belarus
Threads - 1
Use debuts book - On
The program uses from full 10 figure base of endings
Belarus Kallisto - Igor Korshunov - Belarus
Threads - 1
Memory limit (MB) - 512
Ponder mode - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Lithuania KestoG - Kastutis Gasaitis - Lithuania
Threads - 1
Memory limit (MB) - 512
Ponder mode - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Russia Plus 600 - Serge Startsev - Russia
Threads - 1
The openings book - On
Extended Al - On
Self learning - On
Games DB - On
Endgames DB - On
Database - On
The program uses from not full 12 figure base of endings
Russia Skifi - Serge Nefedov - Russia
Threads - 1
Memory limit (MB) - 512
Ponder mode - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Russia Tornado - Michael Glizerin - Russia
Threads - 1
Openings fly - On
Maximal depth of searching - 61
To use at start no more than - 3072 Mb RAM
Size - 30 mln positions
EQU - 572 Mb RAM
To use database of endgames in searching - On
To count amount of pieces in the drawn endgames - On
Loading of database in RAM - 10, C, O (2,10Gb)
The program uses from not full 12 figure base of endings
Russia ToSha - Anastasia Zaharova, Alexey Zaharov - Russia
Threads - 1
Debut library - On
Use library ta a depth debiut - 35
Aggression - 7
Addition in DL - Disconnected
Ponder - On
Hash table - 256 mb
The program uses from full 10 figure base of endings
Russia Tundra - Vitaliy Kamynin, Anton Shevchenko - Russia
Threads - 1
Use opening library - On
Pondering - On
Hash size - 10.00 mln positions
Equal to - 240.00 MB RAM
Search method - NegaScout
Opening Risk Level - Medium
EGDB - Full database
The program uses from not full 10 figure base of endings